Video Feature: Big John Bates – “Taste the Barrel”

Truth be told  had no awareess of Vancouver, Canada’s Big John Bates until they tweeted this video to me during my  day-long Twitter #HalloweenTwang video theme playlist. Their sound could be described as  dark gothic Americana along the lines of The Handsome Family and Those Poor Bastards.

The video for Taste the Barrel,  from their latest release Battered Bones (Rookie Records) , has a Sun-washed dustiness to it reminiscent of a Sergio Leone western.  Singer and stand-up bassist stars in the video as a victim of either torture or just frontier surgical practices. Either way, the gruesome outcome if the same. Bones sings with a sort of wailing unhinged soprano befitting the the scenes ans though i’m unsure of the storyline it’s effective. She even drops in a quick title of a Cormac McCarthy book “All the Pretty Horses” to give the whole thing another level of greatness and menace. The only thing missing is a parting shot of buzzards circling overhead.

A great find that i wanted to apss along and very fitting for All Hallows Eve Twang Style!

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