Features The Drive By Truckers

After their latest album, Brighter Than Creation’s Dark, debuted last week at #37 on the Billboard Top-200 album chart the mighty dbts seem to have caught the attention of the recording establishment’s powers that be. In this article on Patterson Hood discusses the new release, his family life with the new baby and his less then attentive work ethic.

From the article – “I used to write real prolifically, and just being so busy on the road, and being at home with the kid running around, I [wasn’t as prolific],” said Hood, the band’s gregarious co-founder. “I definitely still write in bursts, but the bursts were shorter and further apart.”

But something clicked over the break. Hood shotgunned out around 50 songs over six months, and Cooley produced nine of his own (“an ungodly number for him,” Hood laughs). Better yet, the burst came at a fortunate time: the band got “really, really attached to working with Spooner Oldham” on the LaVette record. “We said, ‘We gotta get him to do (ours),'” Hood said.

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